Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The aim of the study was to assess the security measures put in place to protect patrons of Sam Jonah Library of University of Cape Coast. The descriptive survey design was used in collecting and analyzing data. A questionnaire and interview guide was used to solicit information from respondents. The study adopted the convenient sampling technique for drawing respondents for the study. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics which involved frequencies, tables and percentages. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The findings of the study showed that the security breaches that could happen in the library environment include; property theft, verbal abuse, pickpockets, nuisance phone calls and harassment by staff. It was also found out that the major breaches that patrons had actually experienced were; property theft (laptops, mobile phones, calculators and pen drives), nuisance phone calls from fellow users and harassment by staff. It was again discovered that there was no policy on securing the patrons of the library. It was further revealed by management that there were not enough measures put in place to ensure the safety of users even though a conscious effort is being made. In relation to the challenges to securing the safety of users, it was found out that inadequate funds to purchase ICT based security equipment, inadequate security personnel at the entry and exit of the library and inadequate attention placed on the security of users. Also, a patron not being able to differentiate between a library staff and a patron was another challenge. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, it is recommended among other things that management should install functional closed circuit television cameras, enough staff to patrol in and around the library and proper identification to differentiate library staff from patrons.
