Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-12-2017

Document Type



  1. Biradar, B. S., & M. O.. Use of Electronic Resources and Services by Marine Scientists in South India. Journal of Indian Library Association , 48 (1), (2011) 12-23.
  1. Datta, S., Roy, T. T., & Datta, A. Higher Education Boom in India. Management Accountant , (2011) 46 (2), 92-96.
  2. Jayaprakash, Kannappanavar, B. U., Bhidey, A., & Kerkar. Use of Internet and its Impact on Students of Goa University: A Study. In Proceedings of the paper published in National Conference on Collection Management in Changing Context: Problems and Prospects. Shivamogga, 19-20 august, 2011, p.71-79.
  1. Kumar, P. K. Effective utilization of e-resources and services in academic libraries of Mumbai: A Study. Journal of Indian Library Association (ILA) , 47 (2 & 3), (2011) 29-36.
  1. Pattanaik, B., & Pattanaik, B. B. E - Information Search Strategy by Faculty of Science Department, North Orissa University: A Case Study. International Journal of Digital Library Services , 1 (2), (2011) 10-20.
  1. Singh, K. R., Devi, M. T., & Raychaudhury, A. Use of Internet based e-resources at Manipur University: A Survey. Annals of Library and Information Studies , 56 (2), (2009) 52-57.
  1. Sujatha, H.R. and Mahesh V Mudhol. Use of electronic information sources at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, India, Annals of Library and Information Studies, 55(3), (2008) 234-245.
  1. Thanuskodi, S. User Awareness and Use of E-Journals among Education Faculty Members in Chennai: A Survey. International Research Journal of Library and Information Science , 1 (1), (2011) 1-13.


Sir / Madam,

Kindly let me know when I will receive the status of this article. I request you to kindly publish it in your esteemed journal.

I am waiting for your early positive reply.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



Dnyanprassaraka Mandal's College and Research Centre,

Assagao, Mapusa, Bardez, Goa-403507


‘Information is Power’ and this information is derived either from Print media or Electronic media, when we say electronic media without Internet we are helpless in getting relevant and latest information. The present study explores Internet Use Pattern among the faculties of Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre, Mapusa, Goa. A survey method of research was used for the present study. Questionnaire was designed for the purpose of data collection, 65 questionnaires were distributed and 51 filled in questionnaires were collected from the faculty members. The result of the study showed that, majority of the faculty members under the study are using Internet daily and information they are getting on the internet is relevant to their study purpose. At the same time researcher suggested to make optimum use of electronic resources in the library, librarian has to conduct training programme for faculties and to increase the available infrastructure in the library with high internet bandwidth.
