"Perceived Emotions in the Information Seeking Behaviour of Manchester " by Aondoana Daniel Orlu, Hajaratu Mafo Ilo et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 3-31-2017

Document Type



Orlu, A D et al 2017


Emotions form a part of the individual variables that play a key role in the determination of information seeking behaviour of an individual. Anxiety and uncertainty characterize the initial phases of the process of searching for information. The affective indications of uncertainty, frustration, and confusion lead to vague and imprecise thoughts regarding a problem or topic. However, a shift to focused knowledge leads to a decline in uncertainty and increase in confidence. The current study relies on a single holistic case study in which students of Manchester Metropolitan University are the case and their emotional response to search.Consequently, the study follows a descriptor-explanatory design that involves the description of the phenomenon through a review of literature and explanations of such occurrence through primary data collected via interviews with participants.The researcher conducted face-to-face interviews for individual. The findings confirm earlier observations regarding the emotional response to the search process during the initial stages. As indicated by several respondents, the initial stages of searching are complicated because of the uncertainty about the topic and the vagueness of thoughts. At this stage, the respondents confirm their need for information, which occurs through the identification of the research gap and the search for background information. Apprehension at this stage emanates from the confusion regarding the lack of focus on the search of information. This work is a continue research on emotions, within the context of library and information management.
