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Date of this Version

Summer 8-1-2017

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This study aimed to assess the role of Researchgate in the development of scientific- scholarly activities among Faculty Members of University of Tehran's Engineering College. This study is Survey and descriptive research and data collection tools, including profiles of researchers at the Researchgate and questionnaire. The study population included faculty members of University of Tehran's Engineering College in 2016 was 242 researcher were earned RG score. The sample 144 subjects who were selected via stratified random sampling method and the questionnaire distributed 144 questionnaires were collected and then Results were analyzed using SPSS software From the perspective of engineering researchers, the goals of “awareness of research activities and researchers pursue their research activities " and "increase the number of citations " as the most important. In addition, among seven groups Researchgate capabilities, “assessment researchers activity" and "Introduce researcher and identify other researchers" are in order from highest usefulness.
