Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Dim, C.L; Ukwoma S.C; Okafor, V.N ( )Perception of librarians towards collaborative research in academic libraries in Nigerian Universities.



The study is a survey of librarians’ perception towards collaborative research in South Eastern Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study, the study adopted descriptive survey method. The population of the study consists of 242 librarians in federal and state university in South East Nigeria. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire, the data collected was analysed using percentages and bar chart. The result showed that librarians are involved in collaborative research, majority of them are motivated to embrace collaborative research because of high publishing cost, and need for specialization within certain area. It was also discovered that collaborative research has increased librarians skills and knowledge and have encouraged division of labour in writing. Despite these benefits and motivation they still encounter challenges like non contribution by some members in the group and struggle over ranking of authorship as affecting collaborative research. Based on these challenges the study suggested that there should be agreement on the contribution of each author, and ranking of authorship base on the level of contribution by the authors in the group as a way forward in collaborative research.
