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This studies aim is to analyze the scientific interactions of Islamic Azad University in the field of humanities and social sciences between 2010-2014.

method:This study uses a co-occurrence analysis method in scientometrics as well as social network analysis to investigate the interactions governing scientific cooperation networks in the field of humanities and social sciences in Islamic Azad University.

Results:the collaboration network in the field of humanities and social sciences in Islamic Azad University has the density of 0.004that Masoud Hashemi,Saeed Sadeghi and Akbar Mohammadi are the important and influential authors in collaboration network of researchers at the individual level in terms of the different indicators.Tehran University,Allameh Tabatabaei University,Tarbiat Modares University,Tarbiat Moalem University,Ferdowsi University and also University of Isfahan is one of the main colleagues of the Islamic Azad University in the field of humanities and social sciences, based on various indicators of network analysis Islamic Azad University collaborates on average with approximately 25 other countries in the production of its scientific outputs in this field. Malaysia, America, Britain are the main and important partners of the Islamic Azad University based on the different indicators of network analysis.

Conclusion:The interaction and communications between the researchers is low and no many connections are formed between the authors of university in this field and accordingly the authors are so far away from each other for collaboration in the network. The Islamic Azad University has shaped scientific interactions in its scientific outputs with Iran's top universities in the field of humanities and social sciences.
