Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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An information literate person achieves success in his career and life due to his intellectual knowledge and ability in selecting the best information resources available in plenty. Evolution of internet has changed the information history. Plenty of resources reaches infinite number of users but what requires for an individual is the information skill to locate and utilize the best information sources. To qualify in civil service exams in one of the toughest challenge but yet can be achieved if smartly planned. Smart planning can be viewed as what to read, what not to read, what to choose, what not to choose etc., Competition is ever increasing among the candidates but at the same time numerous web resources, coaching centres, senior officers assists their guidance as well. The present study focused on the utilisation of information resources among the civil service aspirants only at Chennai. Utilisation of information resources were analysed at four dimensions namely, information competency, awareness, accessibility and problems. Each dimensions had its own sub-dimensions.
