Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-9-2018

Document Type



Eguavoen, E. O. (2018) Influence of administrative effectiveness on work ethics of library personnel: the Case of Kenneth Dike Library, Library Philosophy and Practice, e-journal


Work ethics in library settings appears to be deteriorating in recent times which were not unconnected with administrative styles. The study therefore examined the influence of administrative effectiveness on work ethics of library personnel in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. The study identifies levels of administrative effectiveness and rate of compliance with work ethics by library personnel as well as the relationship between them. The study adopted descriptive research design of correlational type using a structured questionnaire to elicit information from respondents. The population comprised 112 library personnel consisting 30 academic librarians, 54 Non-Teaching (senior) and 28 junior non-teaching library staff in KDL. Of the 112 copies of the questionnaire administered, 94 copies were returned and valid for analysis. The data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that the level of administrative effectiveness in KDL is moderate, rate of compliance with work ethics moderate, and that significant relationship existed between administrative effectiveness and work ethic. There was no significant difference between work ethics of professional and para-professional library personnel in KDL. Based on these, recommendations were made that effective administrative styles be adopted and code of ethics be established and distributed to all staff to enhance their work ethics.
