Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 9-1-2018

Document Type



  1. Fayetteville Free Library (n.d.). Retrieved 06 01, 2018, from VISIT OUR makerspaces:
  2. 10 Traits of the Most Innovative Entrepreneurs, reverted 25 05, 2018 from
  3. Chung, H.D (2010) Relationship Building in Entrepreneurship Liason Work: One Business Librarian's Experience at North Carolina State University. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship15:161-170
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  9. WeRead (Flipkart), retrieved from 06 01, 2018 from


The author highlighted librarian’s role to support entrepreneur and business those who willing to start-up new ventures and sustain their business for a long time and also focused on Librapreneurship, how librarian think to delve into best practices of start-up and apply his/her knowledge in entrepreneurial journey. Paper also highlighted some knowledge, skill and innovative ideas that librarian may apply in changing information environment and take a risk to be an investor, innovator, and leader.
