Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-23-2018

Document Type



Information is a resource used to increase knowledge and usable for the intended purpose. Its need is a global widespread essential feature of production, consumption and exchange of human mental creativity across the globe. Having discovered that information support services are part of services in institutions that add to the value and quality of learning regardless of the mode of delivery, the information needs of distance learners deserve to be met, irrespective of where they are located. It is in this respect that paper seeks to examine the information needs of distance learners, the concept of distance learning and its learners. The other aspect of this paper is the channels and, or sources of information through which the information needs of distance (remote) learners are met. Some of the sources or channels considered are the library, modules/study guides, lecturers or tutors, interaction with peers, friends/colleagues and telecommunication. The paper examines literature both in Nigeria and other African countries, as well as what is available in Africa.
