Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Global Literature on Immunology research: A Scientometric study base on Web of Science Database

Date of this Version

Summer 7-31-2018

Document Type



The paper reveals the research productivity of Immunology research. This study is an analysis of total productivity on 23646 publications in the year of 2008-2017 (10 years). Paper particularly contributed about Scientometric on the records indexed in the Web of Science database during the period 2008-2017 i.e. for 10 years on Immunology. The researchers analyzed the research publication that has been published only on Immunology retrieved data was 23646 records. The methodology of this study was downloaded articles from the Web of Science (WoS) database the search term used was “Immunology” and considered as central keyword of the topic discussed. The downloaded data have been analyzed in Bibexcel, MS-Excel files for further analysis. The objective of the work has been done under the year of publications, Language wise Publication, Document type publications, Authorship and author productivity

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