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Accessing the Adoption of Mobile Learning in Nigeria: The Library Perspective

Date of this Version

Winter 12-1-2018

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With the influx of new technologies in the world, learning is becoming more interesting than ever before. The study was conducted to access the adoption of mobile learning in Nigeria. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the researcher. 200, 300 and 400 levels of College of Natural and Applied Sciences and College of Social Sciences were the study population. The sampled population was 83 respondents which is the 10% of the entire population. Structured questioner was the instrument used for data collection. It was discovered that smart phones and laptops were the mobile technologies preferred for mobile learning. It was also discovered that mobile technologies enhance learning but the adoption in Nigeria educational system has been hindered by lots of challenges. Conclusion was made on the need for educators, curriculum designers/ planners, librarians etc, to promote the use of mobile technology for rendering and extending academic services that is education 2.0, library 2.0 and web2.0 to be incorporated into the school curriculum. It was also recommended that similar study should be carried out to identify the readiness of educators, teachers/ librarians towards adopting mobile learning into Nigeria educational system.

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