Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper examined marketing in the 21st century using communication modes in accessing information needs of students in two study centre libraries of National Open University of Nigeria. A descriptive research design was used for this study and the instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, observation and interview. A total of 60 copies of the questionnaire were administered to students, from faculties of Agricultural Sc., Management Sc., Social Sc., Health Sc., Law, Education, Science & Technology, but 56 were retrieved and used for the analysis. Purposeful and stratified random sampling technique was used for this research. Findings from the demographic data show more male than female students between the age brackets of 21-25 years, with higher percentage than other ages. Result from findings shows that faculty of social science has greater percentage of students than other faculties and higher undergraduates than post graduate students. Data analysis show awareness on student use of library resources before and after marketing as medium, while social media , the use of course materials and past question papers were discovered to have greater impact at student in accessing their information needs. Lack of internet connectivity was a major hindrance by students in accessing available electronic resources at both study center libraries. University management must ensure unlimited internet connectivity in all study centers.
