Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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A study was conducted to investigate the accessibility and use of perception on open access resources used in the library and Information Science students inIdhaya College for Women. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the awareness of open access resources. The methodology adopted for the study surveyed in which questionnaires, interviews, and observations were used in a collection of the data. A total of 131 respondents participated in the study. 80(61.07%) of the frequency are UG Students while 51(38.93%) are PG Students in the use of open access resources in Idhaya College for Women. show that the Using of open access resources 32(24.43%) respondents information access for Research purpose only. Show that the frequency-wise respondents used in open access resources in daily used in 25(19.08%). Show the Time Spend for the open access resources respondents used in Less than 2 hours used in 29(22.14%).Show that the used in open access resources in a maximum of respondents daily used in home 32(24.43%).: Show that the Problems of used in open access resources in a maximum of respondents Privacy problem faced in 27(20.61%),UG students access the problems of 20(20.62%) PG students access the problems of 7(20.59%).Show that the Storage of open access resources in the maximum of respondents PPT in 42(32.06%), followed by Word Document 28(21.37%).Show that the Impact of using open access resources of respondents Provides free online access to the necessary literature for my research strongly Agree for the 32 (24.43%) Agree for 46(35.11%).
