Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 12-31-2018

Document Type



Nishavathi, E and Jeyshankar, R (2018) Mapping the Science of Law: A Jurimetrics Analysis


KIndly consider our paper titled "Mapping the Science of Law: A Jurimetrics Analysis" for your internationaly reputed journal.


This article provides an outline for jurimetrics and its role in finding most relevant and influential decisions of Supreme Court of India particularly in the topic of sexual harassment covering the period of 5 years (2012 to 2016). It retrieved 35 precedents that cited 662 legal information sources. These precedents are further analyzed with the network measures such as degree centrality, closeness centrality and authoritative scores to find out the influential and relevant decisions in sexual harassment. The precedents of Supreme Court of India (Vn=575) legal citation network is created to map the science of law.
