Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-30-2019

Document Type



Soleimanzade Najafi, N.; Asemi, A.; Cheshmeh Sohrabi, M. and Shabani, A. (2109). The Scientific Information Exchange General Model at Digital Library Context: Internet of Things. Philosophy and Library Practice. Jan. 21-28.


Introduction: This paper aims to develop a Scientific Information Exchange General Model at Digital Library in Context of Internet of things, which would enable automated and efficient library services. To accomplish its objective, the main classes (Concepts), sub-classes, attributes are identified in order to introduce an appropriate model.

Methodology: The approach of this study is basic, exploratory, and developmental and is run through a mixed method consisting of documentary, Delphi, and data modeling methods. The study population in the documentary section includes the study of information resources retrieved in related subjects. The study population in the Delphi section is consist of 15 experts in “Internet of Things” and “digital library” domains. The Data gathering procedure is by applying a semi-structured interview. Appropriate software is applied for the analysis.

Results: The findings showed that the 9 main classes of “End user”, “librarian”, “Microcomputer”, “Digital library server”, “Automated information services”, “Physical resources”, “Virtual resources”, “Information resources on the digital library server (virtual object)”, and “Security” in general model of scientific information exchange are very contributive. In general, 27 sub-classes and 38 attributes are identified for the main classes for this purpose. In this model, how the classes communicate and interact with one another is illustrated to justify this theme.

Conclusion: Here it is deduced that focusing on data protection at two levels of user and server in the main class of security is very important. Focusing on information resources metadata in the entity class, and device to device communication in this model is of essence as well. This proposed model is contributive in information networking in Internet of things-based library systems in providing better services to users.

Research value: This model has potential in offering a basic proposal as a startup for automated library services.
