Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Idhalama, O. U. (2019).Provision Of Reference And Information Services To The Physically Challenged Persons In Nigeria: Challenges And Prospects



This paper examines the provision of reference and information services to the physically challenged persons in Nigeria: Challenges and prospects. The article demystifies the conceptual framework of information services and physically challenged persons, the information needs of the physically challenged as a concept was succinctly analyzed and the attention or relegation received by this group of library users discussed. The public library for instance is there to provide its services to all classes of users irrespective of age, sex, colour and disability. This paper is therefore timely as it ascertained how all libraries can help to meet up with the information needs of this set of users, challenges encountered in doing so and what a developing country stands to benefit when information services is adequately being provided for her disabled citizens otherwise known as the physically challenged persons. In the end, conclusion and recommendations were proffered.
