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Dei, D.J & van der Walt, TB. 2018. Exploring the extent to which universities in Ghana deploy knowledge management processes in their activities


Universities are knowledge-based organisations. They are using knowledge as a key resource and for competitive advantage. Knowledge management practices seems to be suitable for universities because they possess the conducive environment and systems. This study sought to assess the extent to which KM was practiced at the universities and the mechanisms and initiatives implemented to promote KM processes at the universities. The study adopted the survey and mixed method research approach to collect data from 118 respondents from three universities in Ghana (public, private and professional). Questionnaires (consisting of blend of closed and open-ended questions) were used to collect primary data. The study established that despite the high presence of knowledge management processes (acquisition, creation, sharing and retention) at the universities, the practice was more effective at the private university than the professional and public universities respectively. These KM processes improved efficiency, effectiveness, decision-making capabilities. However, the absence of trust, openness and collaboration; difficult access to technology; and lack of support and mechanisms to promote informal discussions between staff and management of the universities negatively affected KM processes.
