Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Quijano, G. D. (2019). Information Literacy (IL) of College Freshmen: Implications for an IL Program in Academic Libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).


Information technology steered the proliferation of information resources in different formats, thus, making available a lot of information choices for the diverse needs of all types of users. To be able to obtain quality resources, the academic libraries play a crucial role in developing the information competencies of college students. This study examined the information literacy of college freshmen using a cognitive test. Scores were analyzed using mean scores, frequency, and percentage. Findings indicate that college freshmen have above average literacy in accessing information, and average in evaluating and using information. Based on these findings, some implications for information literacy programs are derived. These could be used by librarians as their basis in planning and designing information literacy programs that would further develop more advanced information competencies.
