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Betane, Tshepo. (2010). Turning to Turnitin to Fight Plagiarsm among University Students. Journal Educational Technology & Society, 13 (2), 1-12. Retrieved from

Burke, Margaret. (2005). Deterring Plagiarism: A New Role for Librarians. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Dahl, Stephan. (2007). The Student Perspective on Using Plagiarism Detection Software. Sage Publication Vol 8 (2): 173-191. DOI: 10.1177/1469787407074110

Drum, Alice. (1986). Responding to plagiarism. College Composition and Communication, 31(2), 241–243.

Errey, L. (2002) Plagiarism. Something Fishy... or just a Fish Out of Water? Oxford Brookes University Teaching Forum, Volume 50, pp. 17-20. Retrieved from

Gilmore J, et al. (2010). Weeds in the flower garden: An exploration of plagiarism in graduate students’ research proposals and its connection to exculturation, ESL, and contextual factors. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 6(1): 3–28.

Gulik C., Tippin, D. (2003). The University of Auckland's trial - Semester 2, 2003: Evaluation Report.

Idiegbeyan-ose, Jerome; Et al. (2018). Towards Curbing Plagiarism in Higher Institutions of Learning: The Strategic Role of the Library. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Kumar, Suresh. (2019). Similarity Index of Doctoral Theses Submitted to Universities in Kerala: An investigation. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

McCabe, D. L, & Bowers, W. J. (1994). Academic Honesty Among Males in College: A 30-year Perspective. Journal of College Student Development, 35, 5-10.

McCabe, D. (2003). Academic dishonesty survey study. Unpublished study, Rutgers University

Moorman, Christine, Rohit Deshpande, & Gerald Zaltman. (1993). “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”. Journal of Marketing. Vol 57 (81-101).

Oyewole, Olawale & Abioye, Abiola. (2018). Awareness of Plagiarism Acts and Policy by Postgraduate Students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Pupovac V, Bilic-Zulie & Petrovecki, M. (2008). On academic plagiarism in Europe: An analytic approach based on four studies. In: R Comas and J Sureda (coords) An Academic Cyberplagiarism. Retrieved From http:// petrovecki.pdf

Savage, S. (2004) Staff and Student Responses to a trial of Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software (2004) Proceedings of the Australian Universities Forum. Retrieved from

Schiffman, Leon G. Kanuk, Leslie Lazar, (2007). Consumer Behavior (8th Edition). Pearson Education. New Jersey.

Sutherland, Wendy-Smith. (2008). Plagiarism The Internet and Student Learning: Improving Academic Integrity. 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016: Routledge

Walker, John. 2010. Measuring plagiarism: Researching what students do, not what they say they do. Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 35, No. 1 (41-59).

Betane, Tshepo. (2010). Turning to Turnitin to Fight Plagiarsm among University Students. Journal Educational Technology & Society, 13 (2), 1-12. Retrieved from

Burke, Margaret. (2005). Deterring Plagiarism: A New Role for Librarians. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Dahl, Stephan. (2007). The Student Perspective on Using Plagiarism Detection Software. Sage Publication Vol 8 (2): 173-191. DOI: 10.1177/1469787407074110

Drum, Alice. (1986). Responding to plagiarism. College Composition and Communication, 31(2), 241–243.

Errey, L. (2002) Plagiarism. Something Fishy... or just a Fish Out of Water? Oxford Brookes University Teaching Forum, Volume 50, pp. 17-20. Retrieved from

Gilmore J, et al. (2010). Weeds in the flower garden: An exploration of plagiarism in graduate students’ research proposals and its connection to exculturation, ESL, and contextual factors. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 6(1): 3–28.

Gulik C., Tippin, D. (2003). The University of Auckland's trial - Semester 2, 2003: Evaluation Report.

Idiegbeyan-ose, Jerome; Et al. (2018). Towards Curbing Plagiarism in Higher Institutions of Learning: The Strategic Role of the Library. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Kumar, Suresh. (2019). Similarity Index of Doctoral Theses Submitted to Universities in Kerala: An investigation. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

McCabe, D. L, & Bowers, W. J. (1994). Academic Honesty Among Males in College: A 30-year Perspective. Journal of College Student Development, 35, 5-10.

McCabe, D. (2003). Academic dishonesty survey study. Unpublished study, Rutgers University

Moorman, Christine, Rohit Deshpande, & Gerald Zaltman. (1993). “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”. Journal of Marketing. Vol 57 (81-101).

Oyewole, Olawale & Abioye, Abiola. (2018). Awareness of Plagiarism Acts and Policy by Postgraduate Students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Pupovac V, Bilic-Zulie & Petrovecki, M. (2008). On academic plagiarism in Europe: An analytic approach based on four studies. In: R Comas and J Sureda (coords) An Academic Cyberplagiarism. Retrieved From http:// petrovecki.pdf

Savage, S. (2004) Staff and Student Responses to a trial of Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software (2004) Proceedings of the Australian Universities Forum. Retrieved from

Schiffman, Leon G. Kanuk, Leslie Lazar, (2007). Consumer Behavior (8th Edition). Pearson Education. New Jersey.

Sutherland, Wendy-Smith. (2008). Plagiarism The Internet and Student Learning: Improving Academic Integrity. 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016: Routledge

Walker, John. 2010. Measuring plagiarism: Researching what students do, not what they say they do. Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 35, No. 1 (41-59).


Plagiarism is an act that violates the law, have been cases that have occurred in Indonesia and the world, and most have occurred in the academic scope. The cause of plagiarism is influenced by many factors, one of them is the lack of provisions or standards that clearly someone can be said to be the perpetrator of plagiarism. However, regardless of the actions that occur, technological advancements encourage software that can prevent the emergence of plagiarism, namely the Turnitin software. In this case one of the state universities, The University of Indonesia has used it in order to prevent and overcome plagiarism. But the absence of provisions or standards regarding plagiarism raises different perceptions in each person related to the problem of plagiarism, and this raises different beliefs as well when people use the Turnitin software. Therefore, this study discusses whether the perception of plagiarism in each person relates to the user's trust in the accuracy of Turnitin software, especially among the academic community of the University of Indonesia. The approach that used in this study is quantitative explanative by using the University of Indonesia academic community as many as 85 people as respondents. The results of the study indicate the correlation of perceptions of plagiarism (X) with the user's trust in the accuracy of Turnitin software (Y), and have a positive correlation. Based on the results of the coefficient t count of 3.590 while the t table is 1.663 (3,590>1,663) with a significance level of 0.05, then is rejected so that there is a correlation between variable X and Y. The correlation is classified as a low correlation, with a correlation coefficient of 0.389.
