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With the development of information and communication technology today, it makes the community both individually and society in the realm of industry carry out communication activities using media which is often referred to as digital media. Digital media commonly used today is digital media that is generally owned by Indonesian netizens, namely social media. By only having internet access all netizens can become social media users.

Using internet access is not only used by Indonesian people in person, but Indonesian people to interact in an industry / company often interact with the use of internet media, considering that the development of the Digital Industry Revolution has entered the Industrial Revolution 4.0. “Both practitioners and academics agree that the social revolution occurring through digital channels will have a profound impact on hoe people interact with each other and how companies manage their relationships in the changing communications landscape (Greenberg, 2010;Kletzmann et al.,2011;Dennis et al.,2009)” (Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 30).

The government is committed to increasing Indonesia's competitiveness position from 41st to 39th in the world from 138 countries listed in the 2016-2017 Global Competitiveness Report. To achieve this goal, one of the solutions being pushed by the Ministry of Industry is to spur domestic industries to continue to innovate in the face of the implementation of Industry 4.0. Because of that case, human interaction in the industry will not be separated from a communication process, it's just that at this time different is a tool / media in carrying out the communication process, which originally used conventional communication media to switch to convergence (digital) communication media.

Currently PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk as a subject of this research, conducts monitoring and analysis of public opinion one of them by using Social Media Monitoring. Based on the results of pre-research by interview some informants, they said that PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk conducts Social Media Monitoring with the aim to find out how much positive / negative sentiment to Telkom's Social Media brand as a whole building to Corporate Image and also for the others needed such as building Product Image and Product Marketing.

PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk analyzes public opinion with the use of social media because there is an element of transfer of communication patterns from conventional media to digital media, but apart from that, PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk continues to analyze conventional public opinion, including via e-mail, the voice of the reader, also through the call center 147 service and also through the application "apps my indihome". In addition, PT Telkom Indonesia often analyzes public opinion with the support of various other events, namely the "Public Hearing" and also "Focus Group Discussion" carried out by each division of the platform holder where in this research is the Corporate Communication Division, Customer Division Care and also the Marketing Promo Division.

The research method used in this study is a case study where there is a pecualiarity in this study, namely PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk is an industry that is very concerned about public opinion on its customers so that handling feedback becomes a very important and main thing by doing social media monitoring with help by the agency or carred out by related unit employees.
