Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 8-7-2019

Document Type



The present twenty-first century witnesses a tremendous change and growth in

Information and Communication Technology. The e-resources in the academic libraries has enabled the teachers and students to enhance their academic as well as research activities by providing the latest information and access to world wide information. The present study focuses on the accessing level of online resources in the academic libraries by its elite clienteles mainly the students. The students of this ICT era should be provided the right information at the right time. The library services supplemented by e-resources is a great boon to the contemporary users. The present paper aims to analyse the utilization relationship and status of academic libraries with the students, and make a correlation analysis of the usage to analyse the positivity and futurity of academic libraries. This study is limited within the graduate level students of the three respective institutions taken for study i.e., arts and science colleges in Tuticorin District. The study has been carried out among the students belonging to the academic year 2018-2019. The study is mainly an analytical and descriptive study based on the response of the student.
