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Date of this Version

Summer 7-5-2019

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health communication


Introduction. There are weak economic conditions of patients, such as costs, distance, transportation and supported by a minimal number of psychiatrists at Lawang Mental Hospital, the best alternative for Lawang Mental Hospital is offering innovation namely providing telepsychiatry therapy services to mental patients in Wonorejo Village, Singosari District Malang, which was allegedly by Ardimulyo Public Health Center staff in Singosari Subdistrict, that the presence of patients with the most mental disorders was 37 in the village of Wonorejo. The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze Telepsychiatry Therapy as a New Media For People With Mental Disorders Treatment

Methods. This study uses a constructivist paradigm, a qualitative method with a case study approach. The object of research is to refer to the problem or theme by focusing telepsychiatry therapy from health workers for the treatment of people with mental disorders. The research subject was an informant. The subjects of the study used purposive sampling, namely psychiatrists, nurses, and mental patients. Data collection techniques are participant observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and using audio-visual materials. While the validity technique, using triangulation and member check.

Results. That Telepsychiatry therapy as a new medium is very helpful for psychiatric patients in mental health care every month well, because it is not constrained by distance, costs, and transportation anymore, so between Mental Hospital and mental patients can overcome the minimal problem of psychiatrists from Lawang Mental Hospital. While mental patients can do mental health checks every month at the Posyandu Jiwa which was established in the village of Wonorejo with telepsychiatry therapy facilities from a psychiatrist at the Lawang Mental Hospital.
