Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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  1. Cervone, F. The open source option. Library Journal Net Connect, Summer 2003a, 8-12.
  3. Giri, R. & Sengar, D.S. Use of open source software in the learning resource center of Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology: A case study. Annals Lib. Inf. Stud., 2011, 58, 41-48.
  4. Poulter, Alan. Open source in libraries: An introduction and overview. Vol.59, No.9,2010 p.655-61.
  5. Bissels, G. Implementation of an open source library management system–experiences with Koha 3.0 at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, open source software use in libraries 11. Program, 2008, 42(3), 303-14.
  6. Biswas, G & Paul, D. An evaluative study on the open source digital library software for institutional repository: Special reference to DSpace and greenstone digital library. Inter. J. Lib. Inf. Sci., 2010, 2(1), 1-10. (accessed on 25 September 2011).
  7. Sunil Kumar satpathy and Rabindra K.Maharana. Awareness and Adoption of Open Source Software among LIS professionals of Engineering Colleges of Odisha. DESIDOC journal of Lib. & Information Tech. Vol.32. No.5, September 2012, pp 421-426.



At this moment the Libraries have been completely reliant on providing narrative services to its users based on computer applications. Different computer programs are available for libraries to provide range of services from library automation, creating library websites, knowledge management, and creating digital library to document editing. To manage huge amount of digital information, libraries need some computer applications which takes care of their requirements. The purpose of this paper is to assess and evaluate the awareness and implementation of OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (OSS) by the LIS professionals working in various Polytechnic colleges in Tamilnadu. The study is based on survey method and questionnaire technique was used for collection data from the respondents. The study finds that although the LIS professionals of Polytechnic colleges in Tamilnadu have knowledge on (OSS), their uses in libraries are in budding stage. Suggest that for the widespread use of (OSS) in Polytechnic college libraries, a cooperative and participatory organizational system, positive attitude of authorities and LIS professionals, and proper training provision for LIS professional need to be developed.
