Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 6-18-2019

Document Type



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This research aims to assess library science students’ method at Universitas Indonesia in countering hoax on social media. As future professional librarians, Universitas Indonesia Library Science Programme students should have the ability and skill to counter hoax, especially on social media. In addition, this research is the best practice illustrating the importance of information literacy teaching especially in the era where a lot of hoax circulating on social media. Result of this research shows that Universitas Indonesia Library Science students as many as 61.2% apply instruction or tips to tackle hoax on social media, the rest 37.9% students sometimes apply instruction or tips to tackle hoax. There are 84.5% students who already had reliable news websites and their reaction when receiving news is they click the link to read it all (79.3%). The interesting part is there is no student who responds in expression, shares it again or even comments before reading the whole news. This shows that students have already had the ability to identify information before they share it through social media. Then information literacy teaching in the curriculum of Universitas Indonesia Library Science Programme should be designed to teach students how to evaluate information and understand information critically.
