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Broadcast content is considered important, especially for radio network in Indonesia. However, it is often questioned because the media can be influenced and controlled by the owner. In this article, Prambors Radio’s broadcast content for Jakartan upper-class millennials is examined from the perspective of critical political economy. The theoretical approach is guided by the notion of "commodification" applied to business communication by Vincent Mosco and by the concept of "exploitation" based upon authors aligned with the critical approach in the field of media studies. Prambors holds a radio network spreading in nine regions with homogeneous and Jakarta-centric content. Prambors Radio, which was established in 1971, is a radio network targeting the widest millennials in Indonesia. Through in-depth interviews and broadcast content analysis, this article finds a distinct segmentation in upper-class millennials to reach all Indonesian millennials to increase the number of advertisers who are interested in buying broadcast time. This shows that the utilization of certain social class group characteristics that are translated into broadcast content is influenced by profit-oriented media owners.

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