Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-21-2019

Document Type



Tofi, S.T., Tondo, R.I. & Egbe, F.E. (2019). Information needs of cassava farmers in Okpokwu local government Area of Benue state, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).



This Research work was designed to investigate the information needs of Cassava Farmers in Okpokwu Local Government Area of Benue State. The Study adopted a survey research design. Questionnaire was used to collect data for the study, the study identified the information needs of Cassava Farmers, the sources available the them, the kinds of information, Cassava Farmers use to improve their yield, the means/sources Cassava Farmers use to get their information, problems of information dissemination to Cassava farmers and strategies to overcome problems. The study therefore recommended that the local government should be sending Agricultural Extension Workers to educate the rural farmers on agricultural matters; the local government should equally organize adult education programme for the rural farmers as this will enhance their information utilization capacity and community outreach programmes should equally be organized and used to disseminate information that would aid the socio-economic, political, agricultural and general enlightenment of the rural farmers.
