Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Oyewo, R. O., Akintode, S.S. and Salau, I.T. 2019.

Information and Communication Technology Facilities Use as Correlates of Quality Library Service in First Generation Universities, Southwest, Nigeria, Library Philosophy and Practice, e-journal.


Information and communication technology (ICT) use studies in libraries are often approached by generalising the ICT facilities without categorisation, however, not all ICT facilities are available, accessible and used in libraries. In the case of libraries where they are available, the dearth of literature exists as to the contribution of each category to the overall perceived benefits of the ICT to library services. Based on the categorisation by Gama (2007), this study was carried out to determine the influence of ICT facilities viz; computing facilities, film/tape-based facilities, reproduction facilities, telecommunication facilities and broadcasting facilities on perceived benefits to library services in the first generation universities in the southwest, Nigeria. A survey of correlational type was conducted using a total of enumeration of 107 staff in the study area. Data was collected through an adapted questionnaire and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was conducted to determine the correlation of each ICT facilities with perceived benefits to library service while multiple regression was conducted to determine the relative contribution of each independent measures to the dependent measure. The study found that only computing, broadcasting and telecommunication facilities influenced ICT benefits to library service, though all of the ICT facilities put together relatively contributed to the perceived benefits of ICT to library services. The study, therefore, recommended that film/tape-based facilities and reproduction facilities should be given the required attention by libraries in service delivery so as to better serve the library clients qualitatively
