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Please publish it on December 7, 2019. Related articles are urgently needed for the graduation requirements of a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) study at Padjadjaran University Bandung Indonesia Thanks you



Objective: This study aims to provide an explanation of how the Medan Tourism Office carries out communication crisis activities on negative coverage produced by online media on the culinary tour "Merdeka Walk" Medan Methodology: This research uses the constructivism paradigm. Ontologically, mental construction on social experience is local and specific and depends on the party doing it.. Finding: Negative coverage by online media triggered by fallen trees in 2017 at night culinary tourism location in "Merdeka Walk" has drawn a response from the Governor of North Sumatra with intrusion closing and diverting the function of night culinary tourism location into a green open space. This fact makes the Medan Tourism Office in a crisis situation. Based on empirical data collected from 2017 to 2019, the findings in this study show that the Medan Tourism Office did not have written SOPs and job descriptions, employees/PRO were not in the beginning of the crisis, crisis response was not immediate, the communication crisis team was not structured, and online communication channels or social media tools were not used effectively, and the presence of an external spokesperson (Consultant Public Relations officer). Significant: Even though it has several problems, this research has concluded that the agency basically has employees who can be trained to understand the communication crisis process over negative online media coverage so that it can help institution to charge them for the reputation of regional tourism.
