Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 10-29-2019

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Digital addiction referred to an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use of digital devices, digital technologies, and digital platforms, i.e. internet, video game, online platforms, mobile devices, digital gadgets, and social network platform. It is an emerging domain of Cyberpsychology (Singh, Amarjit Kumar and Pawan Kumar Singh; 2019), which explore a problematic usage of digital media, device, and platforms by being obsessive and excessive. This article analyses, reviewed the current research, and established a conceptual overview on the digital addiction. The research literature on digital addiction has proliferated. However, we tried to categories the digital addiction, according to existing literature and current research. We discuss in this paper the conceptual outline of digital addiction, including its definition, theoretical background, its classification, symptoms, coping and future directions. We conducted a literature review and after that established conceptual overview of the digital addiction. Using scholarly bibliographic databases, covering 300 most relevant research papers from the period of 2012 to 29, October 2019 was conducted to determine a conceptual overview of digital addiction. Most paper examined to build on the concepts of definition, symptoms, coping with digital addiction. We only included those studies, which correlated to our conceptual review, but address the few relevant other studies also. We established conceptual explanations for digital addiction and its definition, classification, symptoms, and coping.
