Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-7-2019

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Plagiarism is an academic misconduct in which a person use or steals others intellectual property and presents it as own. This paper indicates about the perception of Central University Haryana students towards plagiarism. It is observed that the issue of plagiarism is a matter of great concern in higher educational institutions. This survey study was conducted on 150 post graduate level students of central university of Haryana where student’s perception towards plagiarism was assessed on the basis of a questionnaire. Results revealed that most of the students had a positive perception towards the plagiarism aspect assessed in this study. The favorable perception could be the result of their understanding about plagiarism and its consequences in academics. It might be due to the notification of UGC about plagiarism according to which it is considered as a crime in academics and UGC has zero tolerance policy on plagiarism with a penalty.
