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Radhakrishnan, S and Baskaran, Chinnasamy. (2019). Authorship Productivity and Applicability of Lotka's Law in Phytochemistry Literature. Library Philosophy and Practice.


This article aims to present the results of the Scientometric analysis in the Phytochemistry literature. A total of 13215 records from 2014 to 2018 were taken for the analysis.The Data were downloaded from SCOPUS online database. This study mainly concentrates the authorship productivity, applicability of Lotka's law, Price square root law and Pareto's 80/20 rule. The Chi square value is 225.65 which is higher than the table value in the analysis of Lotka's law. The square root of total authors, who have contributed 7.94 % of the total contribution, is found to be 255.52 in Price square Root Law. The findings of Pareto's 80/20 rules state that 20% of the authors contributed only 46.60% of the total contribution.
