Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 11-10-2019

Document Type



Mulay, P., Joshi, R. R., Gaikwad, S. (2019). The art of selecting PhD students: Combination of Bibliometric and AHP Approach. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-20.


For the PhD guide or the advisor selecting the accurate PhD scholar is the most elephantine task. It actually requires an art for the perfect selection; as the length, breadth, depth and volume of PhD work is spread across the years and this relationship between the scholar and the guide should start and flourish positively for the immense experience throughout the PhD process. Hence it was essential to understand bibliometric details including how many researchers have already published their contributions in the form of papers and patents, in the Scopus database. In addition to the bibliometric details, in this study, we also have incorporated the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) model, based on primary and secondary characteristics related to aspiring PhD candidate(s). These characteristics are taken from the literature as well as based on the experience of various PhD guides, over the years of mentoring students. Hence this paper not only discusses the bibliometric details related to the topic but also provide guidelines for appropriate selection of the PhD student.
