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One of the local wisdom that characterizes the Rancakalong Sumedang community, is the art of Tarawangsa, which is in the form of music that accompanies the Ngalaksa Traditional Ceremony and Farm Tradition Culture. The interaction which occurs when the Ngalaksa Traditional Ceremony takes place is one of the communication spaces for residents in exchanging information, strengthening friendship and ritual communication infrastructure in honor of Dewi Pohaci as the Padi goddess. As a traditional communication media, Tarawangsa art is one of the local wisdom of the community in spreading information about cultural noble values, and spiritual appreciation of food, in this case, is rice which is symbolized by the embodiment of Dewi Pohaci. This study aims to determine the role of Tarawangsa art as a traditional communication media on information dissemination in the community in Rancakalong Village, Sumedang. The research method used in this research is the descriptive method, with qualitative data. The results showed that Tarawangsa acted as a ritual communication in honor of Dewi Pohaci and an expression of gratitude towards the Creator, as a channel of communication between communities/citizens to strengthen friendship. The message contained in the Tarawangsa dance is presented in the form of ritual communication which is a form of commitment from the executants to the tradition of the ancestors so that they can jointly live each step which is a form of gratitude to the creator, so the communication is transcendental and mystical. With the diminished mastery of Tarawangsa art by young children because of their disinterest in studying more seriously, one of the efforts that can be taken is through the regeneration of the Tarawangsa artists through the Tarawangsa art studio.
