Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-10-2020

Document Type



  1. McClure, C &Bertot, J. (1998). Public library use in Pennsylvania: identifying uses benefits and impacts, Pennsylvania, Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries.
  2. Okiy, R.B. (2003). Information for rural development: Challenge for Nigerian rural public libraries, Library Review, 52 (3), 126-131
  3. Deshpande, K. S. (2000). Public libraries: Community fountain of information, education and culture, SRELS Journal of Information Management, 37(3), 165-182.
  4. Almeida Júnior, O. F. (1997). Bibliotecaspúblicas e bibliotecasalternativas. Londrina: UEL.
  7. Majumder, K. (2016). Community Information Services through Public Libraries and Information Centres: an experience in West Bengal, India, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), 5, 797-804
  8. Oyeronke, Adebayo. (2012). Information as an economic resource: The role of public libraries in Nigeria. Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal, 34. URL:


This paper highlighted on the public library’s role in the society as a focal point for local economic development, adapted to the West Bengal. It proposes a re-focusing of public libraries towards the idea of an information centre, to contribute towards local economic development by satisfying the information needs of citizens, small businesses, new entrepreneurs and community institution. This new vision of the public library as an information centre creates greater links and integration between the public library and its local community.
