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Ramzan, M., Hina, A. Asif, M. (2019). Factors Motivating Older Population for Social Media Adoption. Library Philosophy and Practice


This is an original article not published before. Research was done in Lahore, Pakistan


Social media has become essential part of almost everyone’s life nowadays. Everyone is attracted to social media these days with bearing all its positive and contrary negative effects. The present research study aims to investigate the factors that motivate the older population to adopt Internet and social media. Previous studies have shown significant relation between age and social media usage. Cross sectional research with multistage cluster sampling design was employed to investigate the relationship of attitudinal, normative and control beliefs on older population to adopt social media. It is hypothesized that attitudinal, normative and control beliefs have significant positive relationship in adoption of social media by older population. Data collection was carried out through randomly selected population of 150 people with age of more than 50 years. The findings of the study revealed that attitudinal belief, dimensions utility outcomes and relative advantage were significantly positively correlated with the adoption of social media by the older population. In normative beliefs, dimensions primary and secondary influences were significantly correlated but the older population negatively correlated secondary influence with the adoption of social media. The hypothesis regarding control belief was positively correlated with the adoption of social media. The results of the study partially support hypothesis about attitudinal beliefs. The findings have significant implications for social scientist, senior citizens and social media industry and policy makers.
