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Technology Safety Audit in Computer Laboratories Using ISO/IEC 17799 : 2005 (Case Study: FTK UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA)

Date of this Version

Winter 12-22-2019

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Management audit is very important for assessment of their information technology management to gain efficient and effective business running process. Information technology security as an effort of internal controlling for risk and threat security minimization, is mainly considered due to all learning and lecturing administration activities use information technology. Allso, the implementation of a number of computer labs to facilitate learning processes and access to information in order to support the lectures and personal development of students To find out how secure technology information is, it is then requiring an audit to make sure everything run based on procedure. Management audit is very important for any colleges towards the examination and assessment of their information technology management to gain efficient and effective business running process. Information technology security as an effort of internal controlling for risk and threat security minimization, is mainly considered due to all learning and lecturing administration activities use information technology. To find out how secure technology information is, it is then requiring an audit to make sure everything run based on procedure. Standard used is framework international standardization organization (ISO) 17799:2005

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