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Madras Medical College is the renowned oldest Medical Institution in Chennai,Tamilnadu, India. with annual intake of 250 Undergraduate students and around 438 post graduate students,it also conduct various paramedical courses like Nursing, Pharmacy,Physiotherapy,Lab technology.


Madras Medical College is the one of well-known premier medical institution, situated in Chennai. The data was collected using PubMed database during 1989-2018, there are 646 Publications were found. Analyzed for year wise growth shows 53(8.20%) Publications found during 1989-1993 and Highest 283(43.81%) Publication found during 2014-2018 Authorship pattern shows single author have contributed 35(5.42%), multi author have contributed 611 articles, the mean relative growth rate is 0.0835 and mean doubling time is 14.65. Prolific contributed authors rank 1 occupied by Anand Chockalingam contributed 14(2.16%), 2nd by N, Deivanayagam contributed 13(2.01%),3rd by Ottilingam Somasundaram contributed 12(1.86%). The mean degree of collaboration is 0.930. the prolific contributed journals by authors rank 1 occupied by The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India have published 46 research papers, rank2 occupied by Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology have published 26 research papers, rank 3 occupied by Indian Journal of Psychiatry have published 20 research papers. The most contributions of research publications by affiliated department 1st. Department of Dermatology, Contributed 70(9.87%), 2nd Institute of Mental Health. Have contributed 41(5.78%) research publications, 3rd Institute of Nephrology. have contributed 40 (5.64%) research publications. The author preferred Language for publication is found to be English, now a days peoples are facing various health problems the postgraduates and faculties should publish their research papers in a Indexed Journals to share their knowledge to the fellow researchers and the funding agencies should encourage the researcher to do their research on current trend on health and diseases.
