Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln



This paper discussed the establishment of institutional repository in a private university, Nigeria. It started with the introduction and stated that repository is a key element in institutional research agenda. It went further to discuss Eprints software used by Landmark University for her repository. The paper further discussed the current state of Landmark University (LMU) repository, how it is being managed, the practical processes and procedures involved in depositing documents into the repository. The paper went further to discussed the factors that contributed to the success of LMU repository such as institutional support, dedicated repository staff, faculty and staff support, quality infrastructures and equipment among others. It also highlighted some of the challenges to include indexing irregularity, mobility of authors, and workload of repository administrator among others. Based on these discussion, it was concluded and recommended that the university library should carry our enlightenment campaign, University management should introduce a policy document that states conditionality for self-archiving. All these will enable landmark university IR to meet up with best practices, thereby taking the university to the leagues of world best universities ranking and rating.
