Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The widespread use of the Internet has opened up a significant amount of knowledge and is available immediately upon any search at anytime and anywhere. The Internet is tremendously useful for educational purposes by teachers as well as students and educational administrators and it has superseded libraries as a source for information gathering and research. In the present scenario the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have brought tremendous changes in gathering information among the primary and secondary students. The information-gathering of the students moved from print to online. The main focus of the study was to know the various information needs, the different techniques used to gather the information, perception and the various problems faced by the secondary students in collecting the information. 420 secondary students (plus 1 and 2) were taken from the aided and unaided schools of Trivandrum district and considered as the sample for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results of the study showed that the majority of the students preferred to collect information from the internet than libraries. They faced various problems while accessing the information form the libraries as well as online, they preferred to use print and online information. They also satisfied with the information available from their respective libraries. The majority of them are aware of the current information regarding their particular subject areas. They preferred relevant information in their academic activities. Based on the outcome of research the researcher put forward a few suggestions.
