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The acquisition of information literacy skills empowers students to understand the content, extend their research and assume greater control over their learning. The purpose of the study is to assess information literacy skills of levels 300 and 400 students of the University of Ghana Business School, Legon and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration Business School, Achimota. From a population of 2,579 respondents (students), a sample size of 202 that is, 86 UGBS and 116 GIMPABS were selected for the study. The questionnaire was used to gathered and analysed data. The findings of this study show that students agreed that information literacy is very important and helpful in academic work and research. It was also found that students were not information literate. In the light of the findings, several recommendations are made including the following, the incorporation of a credit-bearing information literacy program in the course curriculum; and a collaboration between librarians and faculty to facilitate the implementation of information literacy programs.
