Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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  1. Purpose: This study attempts to trace out the trend of use of open access e-books on Big Data through analytical study of bibliometric fields of the books.
  2. Design methodology: The present quantitative study analyses different bibliographical attributes of the books like title, degree of author collaboration, citation, density of keywords, trend of subject, and marketing areas etc.
  3. Findings: The bibliographic analysis of 127 books available in DOAB, finds that in spite of having a rising interest on the topic Big Data, a visible gap is seen in the availability of resources found in DOAB in the form of books with resources found in journal and other sources.
  4. Research limitation: The study only includes open access books that are available in DOAB.
  5. Practical implication: The output of the study gives the present scenario of the use of open access books on the recent topic like Big Data, and the growth of the topic in different kinds of subjects.
  6. Social implication: The study reveals the trend of use of big data in several kinds of subjects mainly science and technology for research and development.
  7. Originality: This original research work portrays only the open access books in different language available in DOAB.
