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Date of this Version

Summer 6-1-2020

Document Type



Journal of Informetrics, 11(4).2017

ProMED, February 2000–January 2020. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease.

Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. Elsevier USA. 2019,

Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 14(1), 1–16.2020

Emerging Viral Infections.2020

The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design.2011

World Health Organization, 2020(March), 2633.

Journal of Infection. W.B. Saunders Ltd. 2020

It is a common disease between humans and animals which is enveloped, non-segmented and has positive sense single standard RNA virus(Danesh & Ghavidel, 2020)

and the fatality rate is very high. This virus first appeared in China in 2003 (Swineflu, SARS-CoV), subsequently in 2012 (MERS-CoV) in Midlle East , and 2013-2014 appeared in Africa (Ebola).(Kagan, Moran-Gilad, & Fire, 2020)

More than 10,000 cumulative cases with mortality rates of (10%, SARC-CoV), 37% (MERS-CoV) in the past two decade.(Bonilla-Aldana, Holguin-Rivera, et al., 2020)

The Present virus (Covid-19) recognised in Huan Seafood Market, South Huan, China(Tang, Tambyah, & Hui, 2020). (Bonilla-Aldana, Holguin-Rivera, et al., 2020)

This pandemic syndrome results more than, 2544792 effected and around 175694 death till April,24.2020 (Practice, 2020).

WHO declared the virus to be pandemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 3, 2020.(Bonilla-Aldana, Holguin-Rivera, et al., 2020)(Bonilla-Aldana, Quintero-Rada, et al., 2020).

However, the prominence on pragmatic contribution has caused in voluminous and fragmented research streams.(Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017).

It is comprehensive open source bibliometric tools, follows a great coherent bibliometric work process that we reproduce. It gives a wide range of statistical and graphical methods and is exceptionally extensible(Matloff, 2011).


Coronavirus is a respiratory syndrome, a virus causing stern pneumonia in humans. The results of the Pandemic virus is high mortality, respiratory infections including the common cold, high fever etc. The main objective of the study is to explore the publications trends of CoronavCirus research by using R-Studio. Scopus database has been used to extract the bibliographic metadata of the publication between 2010 and April 2020. A total of 10515 documents were published across the globe on Coronavirus (Covid-19) during the assessment period under consideration. The result of the current study suggests that the earlier outbreak of Coronavirus were understudied. It also observed that; the research volume of the disease, which emerges after an outbreak, is very high and very little on disease prevention. This may receive insufficient research and limited investment in obtaining a complete understanding of coronavirus management and prevention. The United State of America appeared as the highest contributor and the University of Honk Kong appeared as the most productive affiliation during the study. The outcome of the current pandemic (COVID-19) outbreak, we believe that there should be an emphasis in the field of enticements on coronavirus research
