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This study views the Asian research performance in e-learning during 1996-2018 from the number of documents, citable documents, citations, and self-citations along with the citations per document and Hirsch index. It also measures the correlation between the six research indicators and the four country indicators commonly associated with research performance of some countries, i.e. the Gross Domestic Product per capita, Research and Development expenditure along with the numbers of university and internationally indexed journals. The data on the six research indicators and journals were obtained from the SCImago Journal and Country Rank. Whereas those on the first two country indicators were downloaded from the Word Bank, those on the third one were from the World Higher Education Database. Asia ranked third among the eight regions in the first four research indicators, fourth in the citations per document, and second in the Hirsch index. The 28 Asian countries were responsible for around 20% of over 60 thousand global e-learning publications. All of the research indicators were significantly correlated with all of the country indicators but the citations per document. This work could describe the pattern of research performance and its relationship with the four country indicators in the knowledge area of e-learning.
