Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-30-2020

Document Type



The prevalence of diabetes apparently increases all over the world. Thus, significant research works have been carried out in all aspects of the disease to control and mitigate its effects. Many researchers looked to the disease as a biomedical control engineering problem where the main task is identifying the model that can be used to mimic the healthy person's metabolism and therefore relieving the lives of millions of diabetics. This work aims to explore the dynamics of the produced scientific research in the area of diabetes modeling and control from a bibliometric method. In this work, a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of published research is carried out to give a guide to scientists in the field to explore research productivity and highlight the trends and tendencies besides showing the gaps for future research. The data were extracted from Scopus, a largest indexing and abstracting database of scientific literature. The analysis showed the field's leading countries, institutes, journals, articles, authorships, keywords, collaboration research networks, leading scholars, and a three-factor analysis of leading countries, institutions, and keywords.

Contributors Brief Data.docx (24 kB)
Title Page

covering letter 30 09 2020.docx (64 kB)
Covering Letter
