Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study is a correlational survey study which investigates information literacy skills and the use of E-library resources among business administration undergraduates in south-west Nigeria. A sample size of 900 respondents was used but 800 questionnaires were retrieved. The target population for the study comprised of undergraduate business administration students in private universities in Southwest Nigeria. A simple random sampling technique was adopted for the purpose of this study. The questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection and was divided into three sections namely demographic characteristics, information literacy and use of e-library among students in the private universities in Nigeria. The result of the study showed that the level of information literacy of students in the selected private universities in Nigeria is high; CD-ROM databases was the mostly used e-resources while E-theses & dissertations were the least used. In addition, epileptic and erratic power supply; poor awareness of electronic library resources; poor internet connectivity; among others are the major challenges confronting the use of e-library resources among business administration undergraduates. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between information literacy level of students and their use of e-library resource among business administration undergraduates. The study recommends that school authority should automate their library to ensure that e-resources are available to make sure students have access and are also motivated to use e-library resources.
