Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Major goal of this study was to know barriers for opting technology by University Librarians of Lahore, Pakistan and to furnish suggestions for the effective utilization and application of the latest technological tools. Research was organized in different parts. Firstly, relevant literature was observed by the researchers to get a clear insight. Then, data-collection-instrument was shaped. The population of the study was all the full time regular working professional library staff of the universities of Lahore. The response rate was 76%. In the third phase, collected data were tabulated and analyzed through SPSS Version 24.0 to reach at conclusions. In the final phase, conclusions were inferred along recommendations. Findings of the study show that libraries can’t serve the users efficiently if the latest technologies are not implemented. In the libraries of Pakistan, IT is not being utilized properly. Library practitioners don’t have proper training to make a fruitful usage of information technologies. The libraries of Pakistan are not rich with respect to IT-based resources. The problems mentioned by the respondents indicate the need of formal training to use IT and the availability of sufficient funds. Findings of the research are very productive for Chief Librarians, organizational heads, and decision making authorities towards the application of information technology.
