Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-8-2020

Document Type



This is an entirely different kind of analytical study from a scientometrics perspective.


In this paper deeply analyzed the “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” scholarly output during the year of 2014 – 2018 indexed by the Scopus database. This is one kind of microscopic study; A variety of research articles have emerged in the field of Scientometrics so far. But this article makes accurate statements using new types of measurement methods in Scientometrics study with the help of SCIVAL. Nowadays, the research process goes on as an analyst, research manager, organizational role, collaboration with authors and institutions, research design, and final evaluation. There is advanced data analysis and supercomputer technology to analyze these. SciVal provides powerful analytics and on-demand visualization with large amounts of data. We hope this article is beneficial for metric study researchers.
