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The present study attempts to analyze the publication productivity of the "Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science" during the year 2000-2019. The study was based on the data extracted from the Web of Science database. The primary purpose of the study is to analyze the research contributions of the journal under review. Through this investigation, the authors have tried to know the publication trend in the field of agronomy and related areas. The analysis covers the number of articles, year-wise distribution of articles along with citations, authorship pattern, institutions/organizations with the highest contributions, and the study also gives year-wise h-index of the journal. The study reveals that the journal understudy had produced a total of 1077 research articles. The publications have received 22,328 citations with which the said journal reached h-index of 63. Average citation per paper is 22.65, and journal impact factor 2020 is 3.094, which falls under quartile 1 (Q1) category journal. The highest number of contributions were from Germany (142 articles) and The United States (141 articles). Further, the study adopts Lotka’s Inverse Square Law of Scientific Productivity to find the recurrence of contributions of authors in agronomy and its related areas. The authors have also used the Journal Citation Report (JCR) to know the impact factor of the journal, and VOSviewer tool was used to represent the results of the study graphically.
