Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-23-2020

Document Type



This paper presents a bibliometric study of the LITTCRITAn Indian Response to Literature journal for the period from 2011 to 2015 (five years). The purpose of the study is to give a gist of research output in the journal and the content of the coverage in it. The study showed that, out of the 263 published documents, the highest percentage was articles (83.65%). Among the 220 contributors, 56.64% were females and the remaining 102 males (46.36%). The study identified that most of the articles were single authored (94.55%) and the rest by joint authors (6.43%). The degree of collaboration was 0.07. Most of the contributors (94.55%)were from India and 5.45% are foreign contributors. The maximum number of articles were contributed by Asha N Rabb and Bebasree Dattaray (05). More than ten page articles are more (44) and on an average, the Littcrit authors have cited over 7.34 references per article.It was found that majority of the authors were from Kerala (46.04%) followed by Delhi (11.80). The study demonstrates the features of the contents of the of the journal which will helpful for the publishers to improve the scope of the journal.
